Heartleaf Healing PLLC

Katelyn Yam, MAED, LMHC, NNC

Individual and Trauma Therapist


Hi. I’m Katelyn.

My work with individuals centers around mindfulness. Doing the most with what is in our control and releasing obligation from what is not. Emphasizing effectiveness and nonjudgement to embrace the self holistically while allowing space for growth and evolution through seasons of change.

I believe in the power of the therapeutic relationship and the sacred space that is built through mutual trust and effort.


My practice focuses, with a social justice lens, towards the goal of defusing societal values and expectations that oppress individuals and communities. My work with individuals is based in dialectics. Specifically, holding the dialectics of acceptance and change through the framework of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.

I help clients learn strategies to do the most with what is in their control and give themselves permission to release obligation from what is not. We do this through emphasis on effectiveness, and nonjudgment to help you embrace yourself holistically, while holding space for both growth and rest throughout life’s many seasons.

I believe in the power of the therapeutic relationship and the sacred space that is built through mutual trust.


Get started today.